Which is better?, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

June 24, 2023

NEW DELHI: If we evaluate the history of LED lights in the last few years, then it can be seen that this technology has evolved a lot. The efficiency of the LED lights have been improved ten folds and enormous work on the reduction of the price has been also done.

The benefits of LEDs are known to everyone today such as impeccable eco-friendly nature and the ability to eliminate the anti-environmental factors.

But, when this beneficial technology is paired with the solar-powered elements, then the impact of this lighting becomes even more positive on our lives. However, still numerous people are hesitant to use the solar-powered LED bulbs and they are still using the old HPS lights.

To create awareness about solar-powered LED lights, here we have created a small comparison between the old school and modern contemporary lighting styles.

Limitations are removed

The number one reason behind the hesitation of people towards LED lights – blue light. Originally, blue light was used in the LED bulbs which results in the disturbance of circadian rhythms, harm wildlife and creates low visibility.

But, with the advancement in the technology, the blue light has been reduced drastically and the light output has been increased in lumens per watt efficiency. This simple change means that if earlier your LED bulb can produce 50 LpW of wattage, then now it can produce up to 130 LpW.

The lower wattage consumption with high efficiency means that lower power is required to operate an LED light. This further means that solar panels can easily support the LEDs and reduce your electricity consumption level.

Improved visibility

With lower blue light, better visibility can be created by LEDs. This means that people will have more safety and security during night time. It will reduce numerous accidents as people can see better in the darkness of a night as they will be able to better access the surrounding environment.

Best of all, it seems that 4K light color is providing as good or better visibility with even lower blue spectrum as there is little to no Lumen loss, and in some fixture lines, even a Lumen increase.

Reduction in light pollution

When the lumens are increased, then you will be able to see better under the lower power supply. In the traditional HPS lights, the lights have refractors to push the lights in every direction which gives birth to light pollution.

Moreover, to reflect light in all the directions, a high wattage is required as the low lumen per watt efficiency. However, LEDs today are aiming towards task-specific lighting solutions. In which light is cast on the particular area where it is needed and this will reduce light pollution.

Cost-effective solution

The lower wattage bulbs with the higher lumens also help in saving cost for the solar-powered LED lights as the lower wattage means less requirement of the solar enriched and higher lumens under the limited solar power.

This also stands for the benefit that solar-powered LED lights are renewable as they can be charged daily with the sharp sunlight. This will provide additional safety to the wild creatures and reduce the pollution level.

It is clear from the above comparison that modern solar-powered LED lights are more efficient and powerful as compared to the traditional HPS lights. So, if you haven’t yet installed solar LED lights in your home or office, then do it immediately.

  • Published On Nov 14, 2019 at 10:00 AM IST

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Abhay Singh

Web Developer

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