Tamil Nadu government has inaugurated 28,824 apartments in last three years, ET RealEstate
CHENNAI: The Tamil Nadu government on Sunday said it has inaugurated 28,824 residential apartments built at a cost of Rs 3,197.94 crore in the last three years. Through the Tamil Nadu Urban Habitat Development Board, the state government soon after assuming office in May 2021 has sanctioned allotment orders to 37,720 beneficiaries.
In addition, 3,023 sale deeds were presented to the beneficiaries by the government, an official release said here on Sunday.
“Soon after this government assumed office (in May 7, 2021) Tamil Nadu Urban Habitat Development Board has inaugurated 28,824 residential apartments built at a cost of Rs 3,197.94 crore”, the release said.
Under the ‘Dilapidated Storeyed Tenements‘ scheme, works are on for construction of 9,522 new residential apartments by demolishing 7,582 dilapidated buildings, the release said.