Government must rejig housing pension product for silver economy, ET RealEstate
In our enthusiasm to reap the dividends of a youthful demographic, which adds significantly to our economic growth, have we become less sensitive to the needs of those who have already paid their dues, and deserve a better life: the seniors? The representation of seniors in India will double from 10% today to over 20% in 2050, and the count will be well above 350 million.
After retirement, healthcare expenses increase while the incomes fall. According to an Agewell Foundation Survey (2023), only 26% of Indian seniors reported themselves to be in a good financial status. 39% reported a “poor” or “very poor” status. Most of the 70+ group lead a “lonely” or “neglected” life.
In our recent paper analyzing the NSSO data we found that retirees are 15% more likely to own homes than others. In many cases, homeownership serves as a symptom of financial troubles. Homes owned by seniors outlive them by a lifetime implying a large part of wealth lying unused. Ideally, the seniors should be able to unlock their real estate wealth (i.e., release their equity gradually) into cash flows within their lifetime. With some radical steps, the government can address the financial issues of the seniors.
One such solution for the “equity release” (ER) is the “Housing Pension” (HP) more commonly known as reverse mortgage in India. In an HP contract, a lender offers monthly advances to the homeowner that accrue interest. At the maturity (or after the homeowning couple passes away; whichever comes later) the lender recovers the dues by liquidating the home. Surpluses go to the legal heirs.
The National Housing Bank took an impactful first step towards launching this product in India. But the market response has been lukewarm. The government must allocate some funds towards promoting this product both from the supply and demand sides.
First, the taxation of lenders needs to be fair. In an HP contract, the lender recognizes the accrued interest over several years, but sees only cash outflows until the HP matures. Neither the borrower should be allowed to deduct the accrued interest, nor should the lenders have to recognize the accrued interest as taxable income. The total accrued interest at the maturity should be treated as a long-term capital gain (LTCG). The equity release must be free of any GST.
Institutional support
NHB could start offering a No Negative Equity Guaranty” (NNEG) to homeowning seniors in case the HP balance exceeds the collateral value. As more lenders come onboard, the RMBS Development Corporation of India could finance the ER issuances through staggered zero-coupon securities. These securities should enjoy indexation benefits similar to the fixed-maturity plan mutual funds.
Regulatory and social nudges
The HP loans should qualify as priority sector loans (PSL) to make it attractive to lenders. The government must allocate some budget for awareness programs, both among the lender and customer sides. Capacity building, advertisement campaigns and product repositioning (i.e. from a “mortgage” to “equity release”) will be effective in improving the uptake on both the demand and the supply sides.
From joint families, our society is transitioning fast into nuclear families. On one hand, housing pension gives senior citizens the much-needed financial autonomy. On the other hand, cash flows are more desirable than parents’ home to the heirs, especially if they live far from their parents. An ER product can free the heirs from the legal hassles of title transfer. Besides, ER offers a huge, profitable market for lenders.
The government could engage with social organizations and financial planners in awareness campaigns to address the misperceptions (or lack of awareness) about reverse mortgage products. Such engagements will incentivize the younger generation in a wider acceptance of the product, both as a tool for social welfare and an investment.
Friendly underwriting standards
The loan underwriting guidelines must be friendlier to seniors. The interest rates applicable to such products must be regulated. The LTV ceiling should be applicable to the gross Present Value (PV) of the advances rather than to the Future Value of the dues. Currently, the minimum age of eligibility for ER loans in the US is 62 years. Given a lower life expectancy in India, this should be reduced to 55 years, as in Canada. Besides, the existing restrictions on collateral must be relaxed. Seniors with multiple real estate assets should be able to choose the one they wish to pledge. We must learn from the relative success of Taiwan, and allow non-residential assets as collateral. The requirement of the collateral to be a primary residence must be relaxed.
Our simulation analysis suggests that after accounting for risks, large lenders in India can generate a good yield from such loans, equivalent to regular mortgage loans. In a decade, this product can create a market worth 200 billion dollars, or more. A successful ER market will also encourage a healthy secondary market for homes, add to the welfare of senior citizens and help boost the economy. All we need is a concerted effort from the government to make it a success.